There’s an old saying that you can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy. Apparently something similar to this old saying was true for Abraham Lincoln—you could take him
Delighted that Aspen Publishing has just launched the second edition of our evidence book. An essential go-to reference for law students, paralegals, and trial lawyers, Evidence in Practice: Skills and Strategies for Pretrial and Trial, with Practice Exercises, Second…
During cross-examination, controlling a witness is crucial, especially when they employ evasive tactics. Here are six effective techniques to manage this situation, each increasing in confrontational tone, tailored to the witness’s level of evasiveness.Establishing Agreement: Start by encouraging the…
David Boies and Theodore OlsonBOOK: Redeeming the Dream: Proposition 8 and the Struggle for Marriage EqualityIn the book Redeeming the Dream: Proposition 8 and the Struggle for Marriage Equality, the authors David Boies and Theodore Olson…