Sources from several states recently contacted this office about a new policy implemented by a national cemetery corporation. That cemetery corporation began requiring a “Memorial Survey, Layout, Inspection, and Assessment Fee” for monuments that are to be purchased from third
Death Care Compliance Law
Preneed: A Pandora's Box of Problems
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Defining the Right of Sepulcher with a POA: An Express Power that Can Not be Implied
A Missouri funeral director recently called for advice. He received a first call for an individual that died without a spouse or children. The deceased had a surviving parent and several siblings, but a distant relative was asserting the right…
NFDA Consumer Survey: An Uptick in Facebook Traffic and Consumer Planning
The Memorial Business Journal (the NFDA’s weekly newsletter) has been drilling down into the NFDA’s 2024 Consumer Awareness and Preferences Survey. With the FTC’s Funeral Rule amendment looming, the July 4th MBJ edition was of particular interest to us. The…
Confusion over Who Controls the Funeral: Stale Advice
We recently found this post on funeral matters explaining the authorities of executors, guardians and power of attorney agents to control funeral arrangements. The post is limiting its advice to New Jersey laws, but a casual reader could lose sight…
Mom’s Dementia and the empty house: Using the power of attorney to move on
One of the most difficult challenges for a financial POA agent is the parent’s empty house. Dementia has robbed the parent of the life skills needed to continue living at home and the health care POA agent has already made…
The Final Chapter of NPS: a Messy Ending
After almost 16 years, the NPS receivership is coming to a close. But the final chapter will mark a messy end for funeral homes that have consumers with an orphaned NPS contract and those funeral homes that did not heed…
Avoiding Downgrades: Coupling the Preneed Contract with a Power of Attorney
The traditional funeral and burial remains the preference of many individuals. Understanding that this type of arrangement will be more expensive, many of those individuals purchase a preneed contract to spare their survivors a financial burden. But what happens when…
Mining the Internet for a Power of Attorney form: Is a Free Form Better than Nothing?
Free power of attorney forms may not provide what the client needs.…
Power of Attorney: It isn’t Necessarily Powerless
I saved this NYT article for a rainy day. Finding Out Your Power of Attorney Is Powerless describes situations where families had a financial institution reject a power of attorney subsequent to the principal becoming incapacitated with dementia or Alzheimer’s. …
FTC Workshop: The Funeral Rule and Price List Disclosures
In the new era of Zoom meetings, the Federal Trade Commission is holding a “public workshop” on September 7th to get further input on Funeral Rule changes that would require funeral homes to post their price lists on line. The…