On September 27, 2021, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed SB 62, also known as the Garment Worker Protection Act, into law. SB 62 makes California the first state to require an hourly minimum wage for garment workers by banning
Fashion & Apparel Law Blog
Legal Issues Facing the Fashion, Apparel & Beauty Industry
The Expanded Reach of States for Sales & Use Tax Purposes – More Than Just e-Commerce Retailers are Impacted
All states but one that impose a sales and use tax now have laws requiring out-of-state companies to collect tax if they have a significant economic presence in a state. The Governor of Missouri, the last remaining state, is expected…
Seeking to Stop Deceptive ‘MADE IN USA’ Claims, the FTC Takes Action Against Brandnex
On January 25, 2021, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order entitled “Ensuring the Future is Made in America by All of America’s Workers,” which directs a broad review and strengthening of governmental procurement and financial assistance policies and regulations…
Some Press is Bad Press: False Light in the Modeling Industry
This was first published in the Beverly Hills Bar Association’s Global Fashion Lawyer.
Appearance is arguably the most important aspect of modeling. Whether a model is practicing poses in the mirror, or sitting in the makeup chair and being…
NY’s Gendered Pricing Law: Will It Curb the Pink Tax
Women often pay more than men for similar goods and services. A shampoo for men may be nearly identical in chemical makeup to a shampoo for women, but the woman will pay more. This phenomenon is referred to as the…
To Defer or Not Defer? IRS Issues Guidance Temporarily Delaying the Collection of Social Security Taxes
Most employers are expected to pass on the IRS’ offer to temporarily delay collecting Social Security taxes. For background, both employers and employees are generally required to pay a Social Security tax at a flat rate of 6.2% (for a…
A Trade War on Two Fronts: U.S. Considers More Tariffs on European Goods
Opening Salvos: The Proposed Tariffs
On June 26, 2020, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) published a notice that it is considering new tariffs on exports such as olives, coffee, beer, gin, and trucks coming into the United States from France,…
No Reason to Blush
*This post originally appeared as an article in the August 2020 edition of Happi Magazine.
Beauty companies face an uptick in alleged false-labeling class actions. Whether the actions are justified or vexatious, one thing is certain: they are expensive to…
FTC Cracks Down On Deceptive Social Media Campaign By Teami LLC
In April 2018, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) wrote to Florida-based Teami LLC (“Teami”), a Florida-based producer of Teami tea and skincare products, reminding it of the requirement set forth in the FTC’s Endorsement Guides, that any material connections, including…
Protecting Your Inventory and Getting Paid
This post originally appeared on the Council of Fashion Designers of America website, CFDA.com.
You’ve worked so hard to get your foot in the door with that prized retailer, striving mightily to please them. They’ve finally supported your line…