Our firm routinely handles service in complex cases involving multiple defendants in multiple countries, nearly always pursuant to the Hague Service Convention. In many of those cases, two or three (or even more) defendants are domiciled at the same address–
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Specious arguments from opposing counsel– and the critical need to argue.
Shortly after I hung out my shingle, I posted that defense counsel should always question the validity of Hague Service. Why?
- Well, the Request may have been signed by a layperson who isn’t authorized to sign Hague Requests.
What happens on the back end of Hague service?
Whenever I receive a Hague Service Certificate from a foreign authority, I pass it along to my client with a few pieces of advice– all sketched out in various blog posts. This is merely a consolidation of a few things…
A Hague-compliant roadmap for service on “Schedule A” defendants.
Just getting the address right is only half the battle, y’all.
A huge hat tip to my friend and fellow law blogger, Ted Folkman, for his Case of the Day post last week about Peanuts Worldwide v. The Partnerships and…
How to Serve Process in the Dominican Republic
This is penned on July 9, 2024, well in advance of the Dominican Republic’s implementation of the Hague Service Convention. It will be revised in total on October 1 when the Convention enters into force.
If the action can wait…
How to Serve Process in Costa Rica
Rich Coast. Delicious Coast. Abundant Coast. However you want to translate Costa Rica into English, it conjures images of palm trees and stunning beaches and lush interior rainforest. And parrots. Lots and lots of parrots. I have a friend who…
How to Serve Process in Panama
Ordinarily, a how-to guide like this would lay out methodology for the application of the Hague Service Convention. But Panama isn’t party to the Hague Service Convention, so that idea goes out the window. This is at once a blessing…
Your Hague Request is on file. Now what?
Congratulations. Your USM-94 has arrived and you’ve fulfilled your obligation relative to the Hague Service Convention. Whether you’re a client who has retained us to file an Article 5 Request on your behalf with a foreign government, or you’ve used…
Extra time to answer when served via Hague channels? Not on your life.
Another frequently asked question we get here at Viking Advocates is how much extra time an overseas defendant gets to answer.
A very easy reply: None. Nada, zip, zero, zilch.
But opposing counsel contends that they get 90 days because…
Weight loss drugs and service in Denmark
Latest trend in litigation nationwide: Danish pharmaceutical manufacturer Novo Nordisk and its subsidiaries, sued in the United States for dramatically adverse effects of Ozempic and Wegovy. At issue is the relative safety of two medications that were originally approved for…