Have you heard the modern term “DINKWAD?” It is an acronym for double income, no kids, with a dog. DINKWADs can get divorced too, and in fact it is not uncommon.
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New Year’s Resolutions Do Not Have to Involve Getting to the Gym
Have you ever thought of creating a New Year’s resolution for co-parenting? If you feel your co-parenting could use some polishing, click here for a dozen ways to step up your game in 2023.
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Juvenile Defense Isn’t For Everyone
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Our Super Lawyers
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Mental Struggles of Domestic Violence Survivors
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What Makes Someone an “Unfit” Parent?
Often parents cannot have custody because they are considered “unfit.” What does this mean? Can it be fixed? Find out the answers here.
The post What Makes Someone an “Unfit” Parent? appeared first on Kowalski Wilson & Vang, LLC
How Common Is Divorce Really?
Divorce may seem very common, but it is not as common as you think. In fact, the rate is only 2.3 per 1,000 population. Of course, that number would be zero in a perfect world, but we are human. Click…
National Day of Encouragement
Did you know that on September 12th, America celebrates a national day of encouragement? So if you or a loved one is going through a divorce or a challenging family law situation, take some time today to use words of…
Madison, Wisconsin Labor Day Weekend Events
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What Does the Court Consider When Making a Child Custody Decision?
The court does not take child custody decisions lightly. Judges understand that this decision could determine a child’s future. Do you want to know a few of the things a judge takes into consideration? Read the article linked here!