If you are getting a divorce and have children, it is more likely than not that either you or your former spouse will be required to pay child support. Generally, child support is money paid by one parent (the non-custodial
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Should You Try a Separation Before Getting Divorced?
Divorce rarely comes out of nowhere. In many cases, the spouses understand that something is wrong in their marriage well before either of them file for divorce. One way couples seek to overcome these issues is through marriage counseling, which…
What to Expect in a High-Asset Divorce
Money can’t buy happiness, but it can certainly increase the complexity of divorce. While the complexity of divorce varies from couple to couple, high net worth is one of the most common aggravating factors, especially in the absence of a…
A Guide to Supervised Visitation
One of the primary concerns for most parents in a divorce is maintaining a healthy and loving relationship with their children. If the parents do not share physical custody, the non-custodial parent may seek visitation. But in some cases, unrestricted…
When California Family Law Courts Order Counseling
Family law disputes can be difficult and, in some cases, ugly. In especially thorny cases involving child custody and visitation, California family law courts may require the parties to undergo mandatory counseling to resolve issues that they are unable to…
How to Begin a Divorce in Stockton, CA
Divorces can take a while to become finalized. Unless your divorce is uncontested, you should prepare for the divorce process to take several months — and perhaps even longer, depending on the issues to be resolved. But regardless of how…
Is Divorce After a Short-Term Marriage Easier?
The longer a couple has been married, the more complex their divorce is likely to be, particularly if there is no prenuptial agreement in place. This is because couples in long-term marriages are more likely to have commingled their assets,…
Do California Courts Favor Mothers in Custody Decisions?
One of the most commonly held assumptions about divorce (and family law more generally) is that courts tend to favor mothers in child custody battles. This is not unreasonable, as the trope has been dramatically reinforced in the media many…
What Happens to Student Loan Debt in a Divorce?
About 43 million Americans currently have outstanding federal student loan debt, or about 13% of the population. It stands to reason, then, that a significant portion of individuals going through divorce have student loan debt that will need to be…
6 Financial Issues That Can Lead to Divorce
There are lots of reasons why couples get divorced. In some cases, there is an identifiable reason — such as infidelity or domestic violence — while in others, there is no single reason but rather a gradual cooling of affection. One of the…