On September 21, 2022, the Advisory Committee on Professional Ethics issued Opinion 744, advising that lawyers may both (a) use regulated cannabis and (b) operate or invest in a regulated cannabis business, without violation of RPC 8.4(b) (regarding attorney
Protecting Your Legal Practice
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Free On-Demand Ethics CLE featuring CSG’s David M. Dugan
CSG’s Professional Liability Group is pleased to offer attorneys access, currently at no charge, to a two-part on-demand CLE worth a total of 2.0 New Jersey ethics credits (1.0 credit for each part). As with any New Jersey CLE…
Pandemic Pandemonium as Attorneys Resist Return to Courtroom
A pair of new and interesting twists in the ongoing story of lawyers resisting in-person appearances in Immigration Courts due to COVID-19 surfaced recently. First, an opinion was issued by the N.Y. State Bar Association Committee on Professional Ethics stating…
Highlights of the Office of Attorney Ethics’ 2019 Annual Report
Every year, the Office of Attorney Ethics of the New Jersey Supreme Court produces an Attorney Disciplinary System Report. The report may be found here.
The report examines and provides detailed statistics on a number of topics relating to…
Matrimonial Mayhem Fueled by Legal Malpractice?
A husband and wife become enmeshed in an acrimonious divorce. Nothing new there. Add in the following shocking allegation, just raised by the wife: her husband’s lawyer aided the husband in installing malware on her computer, capturing emails between the…
Four Takeaways from a Record Breaking Ethics Seminar
Every year, the New Jersey State Bar Association holds its Annual Meeting in Atlantic City. This year, for the first time ever, the Annual Meeting went virtual. Lawyers from CSG made history by participating in an ethics panel which drew…
Damms v. Damms Brings into Focus the Importance of Attorney Diligence During COVID-19 Pandemic
Be sure to check deadlines and read orders carefully, especially in today’s environment.
While once in a while, a court will take pity on you, best not to rely on the mercy of the court. In Damms v. Damms, 2020…
Recent Ethics Opinion Highlights Attorney Obligations While Working Remotely
On April 10, 2020, the Pennsylvania Bar Association (“PBA”) Committee on Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility issued Formal Opinion 2020-300, which outlines the ethical obligations for lawyers working remotely. Lawyers must be particularly mindful of the ethical obligations identified in…
Client Intake Best Practices in COVID-19 Environment
These days, more than ever, there is a yin and yang between bringing in as much revenue as possible at the risk of bringing in an unworthy client. How do we know when to say no?
Obviously, there is no…
Does Privilege Apply to Communications Between a Legal Malpractice Plaintiff and Its New Attorney in the Underlying Lawsuit? Caselaw Update, a Hypothetical and Some Practice Pointers to Consider for the Client, Defendant and Successor Counsel
It is generally known and accepted that a client who sues its attorney waives the attorney-client privilege as to the alleged malpractice the client has placed at issue in the litigation.¹
The easiest examples of “at issue” waiver concern communications…