Last week, we looked at Magistrate Judge York’s October 2021 opinion in Smith v. State Farm, in which State Farm was ordered to proceed with an appraisal of the loss as properly invoked by Ms. Smith. As a refresher, Ms. Smith’s
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Recent Developments – Appraisal in Tennessee, 2021 (Part 3)
Over the past few posts, I’ve explored a couple of recent opinions from federal courts in the Eastern and Middle Districts of Tennessee that explored the appropriate use of appraisal in resolving disputes about the “scope” of a loss. For…
Recent Developments – Appraisal in Tennessee, 2021 (Part 2)
Earlier this week I posted about the recent Ingram v. State Farm case in which a federal court in the Eastern District of Tennessee obliterated State Farm’s defense that appraisal was inappropriate for disputes about “scope.” The Ingram case was just…
Recent Developments – Appraisal in Tennessee, 2021 (Part 1)
In 2021, courts across Tennessee issued a handful of decisions that continue to define the nuances of the Tennessee Court of Appeals’ opinion in Merrimack v. Batts that is now twenty years old. Suffice it to say the landscape is quickly changing…
OSHA Compliance is the Law . . . But it’s Not an Ordinance or Law for Coverage Purposes
The Occupational Safety and Health Act was signed into law in 1970 by President Nixon, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was simultaneously created to implement, administer, and enforce its requirements. OSHA’s mission is to “assure safe and…
Tips for TN Policyholders Impacted by the March 3, 2020 Storm
The storm has passed and a new wave of obstacles and hurdles are sure to follow in its wake. Out-of-state adjusters have already flooded the area, and not all of them know and understand policyholders’ rights in the State of…
Massive Tornado and Hailstorm Hits Tennessee
TN Supreme Court Rules Labor Cannot be Depreciated
For the past few years, I’ve been involved in several labor depreciation cases around the Southeast, including one right here in Tennessee against Auto-Owners. The threshold legal question in that case, Lammert et al. v. Auto-Owners Mutual Ins. Co., was…
Misrepresentation as to prior foreclosure voids policy, even if innocently made
In the case of Conley v Tennessee Farmers, the Court of Appeals held that a misrepresentation as to prior foreclosure on an application is sufficient to void coverage as such misrepresentations increased the risk of loss as a matter…
Misrepresentation at Inception of Policy is Effective to Void Coverage Even After Renewals
I draw your attention to the June 25 Tennessee Court of Appeals decision in the case of Dutton v. Tennessee Farmers Mutual Insurance Company which addressed the question of whether misrepresentations made on an initial policy application which unquestionably increased…