Prepare Now For Sharing of and Access to Electronic Health Information: Cures Act Information Blocking and Interoperability Rules Take Effect June 30, 2020The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued companion regulations advancing the interoperability of and patient access to electronic health information under the 21st Century Cures Act that will take effect June 30, 2020, with a compliance date of November 2, 2020. Now is the time to learn what the Information Blocking Rule will require and begin the work with stakeholders to establish new practices for advancing interoperability goals safely and securely. Read further for insight from Bradley attorneys on some initial steps for healthcare organizations and health IT developers to get started.

Photo of Amy Leopard Amy Leopard

Amy Leopard is a partner and leader in Bradley’s Health Information Technology, Privacy & Security practice. Amy advises clients on complex health IT matters at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and law. She is a Fellow in HIMSS and serves on the Board…

Amy Leopard is a partner and leader in Bradley’s Health Information Technology, Privacy & Security practice. Amy advises clients on complex health IT matters at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and law. She is a Fellow in HIMSS and serves on the Board of the American Health Law Association, where she chaired the AHLA Health IT Practice Group. Amy is nationally ranked in Chambers USA for Healthcare Privacy and Data Security. She is a regular thought leader and is a blog editor for Bradley’s Online and On Point blog.