UKRAINE: It was a “brief” dilemma, they say? During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic a woman peeled off her underwear and used it as a face mask after a post office worker refused to serve her without a face cover. Camera footage revealed the woman pulling off her pants and undies in front of stunned customers at the Nao Posha post office in Kiev.
HAWAII: Arrest for violating a quarantine order? We learn that the leader of a polygamist cut called Carbon Nation – which believes in nudism, refraining from bathing and defecating on trees – was arrested for violating the state’s quarantine order, according to a report. Eligio Lee Bishop – who refers himself as “God” and “Natureboy,” was arrested among 21 people arrested in early June 2020 in Puna. The group, reportedly including other members of Carbon Nation, is accused of violating the state’s 14-day travel quarantine order.
INDIA: Monkey Business? We learn that a mob of monkeys stormed a lab worker snatched several coronavirus-positive blood samples – causing outbreaking-fearing neighbors to go “bananas.” It appears that a lab technician was carrying boxes of blood across the campus of a state-run medical college in the city of Meerut when monkeys pounced and scampered into a tree. People living near the campus feared the virus would spread if the samples spilled.
INDIA: The headline read, “Kiss-Cure guru dead.” It has been reported that a holy man who offered coronavirus exorcisms by kissing people’s hands died of the contagion after infecting 20 others, according to the report. Aslam Baba told followers in the city of Ratlam that his “kiss-cure” would make all their ailments disappear, including the coronavirus. Unfortunately, it has been further reported that Baba was tested positive for the virus on June 3, 2020, and died the next day. We learn further still from the report that at least 29 other men in India have offered similar cures. YIKES!!!
GERMANY: OOOPPPS! Police in Germany in early June 2020 were able to quickly track down a petty thief. How so? The thief had forgotten his child at the scene of the crime. The man set off alarms at a Bautzen supermarket when he took off with $5.65 worth of Goods on a Saturday. He fled from the mart but left his 8-year-old son behind which made catching the thief easier. He also fell over during his escape, ending the day in the hospital.
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