The Law School Admission Council has managed to save the April LSAT by moving it to May and introducing a remote format they are calling “LSAT-Flex.” Anyone registered for the April test should obviously be thoroughly familiar with what LSAC
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Scheduling Your LSAT with the COVID-19 Emergency
I was hoping to be the only business that didn’t feel a need to do a COVID-19 update, since Advise-In Solutions is continuing operations without interruption. But…
LSAC has cancelled the March 2020 LSAT. LSAC doesn’t know any more than…
Verdict on New LSAT Format: Digital May Be Better
I’ve been talking to clients and others who took the digital form of the LSAT earlier in July. As a reminder, all LSATs from here on out will be in that format.
When LSAC announced the new format, there was…
New ABA Accreditation Standard: Is Bar Passage Rate Change Enough?
Onscreen LSAT: Should It Change Your Plans?
The Law School Admissions Council announced awhile back that July’s LSAT would be the last to be administered, at least partially, in the old pencil-and-paper format. The announcement was made without a lot of fuss but the LSAT industry immediately…
Deciding on Law School and the Law: Talk to Lawyers!
There’s a good conversation in a recent ABA Journal on making a decision about whether law school—and more, the practice of law—is right for you. The featured interviewees, Nicole Black and Heather Morse, talk about most of the relevant factors,…
Expanded LSAT Opportunities: Implication for Law School Admissions?
The LSAT is now being administered six times a year rather than four. In part, this is to try to head off the inroads that the GRE is making into the Law School Admission Council’s territory. I’ve talked about the…
The ABA’s Abdication of Responsibility: Winners (Law Schools and The Bar Cartel) and Losers (Law Students) in the Rule Abandoning the LSAT (and Any Testing Requirement) for Law School Admissions
One reason regulation gets a bad name is because of regulatory hypocrisy. The American Bar Association’s logo banners: “Defending Liberty Pursuing Justice.” I guess you have to ask “for whom?”
The ABA will bring to a full vote in August…
20 Years of Law School Admissions and LSAT Prep—And Running
Tuesday was my wedding anniversary. It occurred to me that I have been helping clients with law school admission, financial aid and LSAT preparation for longer than I have been married. Both seem shorter than they’ve been.
I’ve been helping…
Advise-In Solutions LSAT Results Continue to be Outstanding
During the past year, my clients and I have achieved truly outstanding LSAT results (to say nothing of admissions and financial aid results that come partly from their LSAT results and partly as the result of putting together outstanding application…