Your name means a lot to your firm. In fact, for most law firms, it literally is the name of the attorney(s) that is used in the firm’s title, and thus the website domain.
When it’s your name at stake,
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Your Guide to Speed Tests
Website speed is one of the most important metrics for you to track with your site. In fact, the speed with which your website loads could be one of the primary factors that decide between you keeping and losing a…
How Lazy Loading Speeds Up Your Website
The speed at which your website loads will drastically affect the experience your users have when they navigate to your page. Ideally your website should load up quickly when a person navigates to it, otherwise they’ll be likely to click…
Establishing Expertise With Your Audience
As an attorney, it’s important your firm and services are taken seriously by your audience. Using your website and other content, you must be able to convey you have a certain level of expertise and knowledge in your subject area.…
What is a Keyword? An Overview of the Basics
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of using various best practices in content creation to increase your website’s search rankings. One of these best practices is the proper usage of keywords throughout the content.
A keyword is a…
Don’t Forget These Important Website Trust Factors
Trust is the foundation of any relationship. This is true in law firms just as it is in interpersonal relationships.
People want to work with attorneys they trust, like and feel comfortable with. Therefore, it’s critical that you do everything…
What is a Keyword? An Overview of the Basics
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of using various best practices in content creation to increase your website’s search rankings. One of these best practices is the proper usage of keywords throughout the content.
A keyword is a word…
10 Important On-Page SEO Tips for Your Website
On-page SEO encompasses everything involved with improving the search engine optimization of a website. If you want your firm’s website to be found by potential clients, you need to perform good SEO to improve your search rankings and get…
How to Perform a Content Audit On Your Website
A content audit provides your firm with an opportunity to review the written content on your website and see what needs to be revised or updated. This might include errors in the content, outdated information, broken links or anything else…
What Are You Known For? Positioning Your Firm for Success
There are over 1.3 million practicing attorneys in the United States, and tens of thousands of law firms—which means that if you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to position your firm for success. In the era…