The Court of Appeal has held in the case of Higgs v Farmor’s school and others that the dismissal of an employee for posting on social medial in relation to her beliefs on gender fluidity and the nature of sex
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Anrechnung von unterlassenem anderweitigen Erwerb nach Freistellung?
In einer überaus praxisrelevanten Entscheidung hat das Bundesarbeitsgericht (BAG, 12.02.2025 – 5 AZR 127/24) zur Frage der Anrechnung anderweitigen Verdienstes während einer Freistellung Klarheit geschaffen: Der ordentlich gekündigte und freigestellte Arbeitnehmer unterlässt in der Regel nicht böswillig anderweitigen Verdienst, wenn…
Respect et inclusion en milieu de travail : quand des comportements inappropriés mènent au congédiement
Dans une décision récente[1], le Tribunal administratif du travail (TAT) a rejeté la plainte d’un salarié (le Plaignant) pour congédiement sans cause juste et suffisante, confirmant que son congédiement était justifié. Cette affaire met en lumière l’importance des…
What does “reasonable certainty” mean when assessing the covenant for DB pension schemes?
The expression “reasonable certainty” is used in the Pensions Act 2004 and the Recovery Plan section of the DB funding code – it is also used more than 50 times in the updated guidance, but is not defined.
If you…
New Neonatal Care Rights: A Step Forward for Working Parents
The UK government has announced a transformative update for working parents. From 6 April 2025, the Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023 will introduce Neonatal Care Leave (NCL) as a day-one entitlement and Statutory Neonatal Care Pay (NCP) for…
Powers of a trade union to represent members in proceedings are limited by its constitution
On occasion an employee joins a trade union which operates outside of the industry in which their employer operates. The Constitutional Court held that such a trade union does not have the power to represent the employee in CCMA and…
Global WHS trends
In this article we explore four of the key issues and trends affecting organisations globally from a work health and safety perspective, both now and in the future: global WHS regulation; the rise of technology; changing workforce populations and…
Workplace Fairness – Singapore enacts landmark legislation to tackle workplace discrimination and harassment
The Workplace Fairness Act 2024[1] (WFA) was passed into law by the Singapore Parliament (Parliament) on 8 January 2025, signifying a significant step in legally prohibiting certain discriminatory behaviours in the workplace, and mandatorily requiring employers in Singapore to…
Germany: What to expect in 2025
In 2025, new legislation will be introduced into German employment law bringing numerous changes for Human Resources Managers to note.
New legislation coming into force
Social insurance calculation factors
The factors for calculating the levels in the social insurance system…
Arbeitsrecht 2025: Was ändert sich?
Das deutsche Arbeitsrecht bringt im Jahr 2025 zahlreiche Neuerungen und geplante Änderungen, die Personalverantwortliche kennen sollten.
Rechengrößen der Sozialversicherung
Mit Wirkung vom 1. Januar 2025 wurden die Rechengrößen in der Sozialversicherung turnusgemäß an die Einkommensentwicklung angepasst. Die aktuellen Rechengrößen finden…