Like all of us, the SEC and its staff are moving rapidly to address changes to normal procedures required in the face of COVID-19. In response to questions recently raised by the Investment Advisers Association (IAA) on behalf of its
IM Insights
Providing securities and derivatives regulatory updates for investment management industry participants
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SEC Relief for Advisers and Funds Affected by COVID-19
On March 13th, the SEC announced that it is extending certain filing deadlines for investment advisers and registered funds that have been affected by COVID-19. Boards of registered funds that may find it challenging to travel to meetings also received…
OCIE Provides Cybersecurity Best Practices Identified in Examinations
Cybersecurity has been a key priority for the SEC and its Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) in recent years. The OCIE regularly releases publications addressing cybersecurity risks and practices, including eight risk alerts related to cybersecurity since 2012.…
CCPA Checklist for Investment Advisers
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) imposes sweeping obligations on a diverse array of businesses, but investment advisers subject to Regulation S-P (adopted pursuant to the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)) are treated somewhat differently. The CCPA does not provide a…
CFTC Issues No-Action Letters to Smooth the Road Away from the IBORs
On December 17, 2019, three different divisions of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) issued no-action letters intended to facilitate the swaps market’s transition away from interbank offered rates (each, an “IBOR”) and toward alternative benchmarks. The letters responded to requests…
2019 SEC Regulatory Summary – Advisers and Funds
Before closing the books on 2019, registered investment advisers and funds should take a look back at the activity undertaken by the SEC and its staff in the past year and carefully consider steps to be taken to implement new…
SEC Proposes to Update Longstanding Investment Adviser Advertising and Solicitation Rules
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed amendments to both the advertising rule and the cash solicitation rule under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”) on November 4, 2019. Neither rule — adopted in 1961 and 1979,…
SEC Clarifies Investment Adviser Standard of Conduct
On June 5, 2019, the SEC issued an Interpretive Release designed to “reaffirm, and in some cases clarify, the standard of conduct that investment advisers owe to their clients.” The Interpretive Release highlights existing principles relevant to an adviser’s fiduciary duty;…
Self-Regulatory Organizations and the Constitutional Privilege Against Self-Incrimination
How do self-regulatory organizations, such as ones acting for the futures industry and broker-dealers, steer clear of being deemed a government actor for purposes of the Constitution’s Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, while at the same time coordinating with a…
New SEC Privacy and Cybersecurity Risk Alert Tells Broker Dealers and Investment Advisers Common Deficiencies to Avoid
The SEC’s new Risk Alert provides valuable insight as to what the OCIE wants to see broker dealers and investment advisers accomplish with their privacy notices and their cybersecurity policies and procedures. The SEC wants this written documentation to be…