Yesterday, 27 Christian and Jewish denominational bodies and organizations filed suit in a D.C. federal district court challenging the rescission by the Department of Homeland Security of its “Sensitive Locations Policy.” The policy severely limited the situations under
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Missouri and Christian Counselors Sue Localities Over Conversion Therapy Bans
Suit was filed last week in a Missouri federal district court against Kansas City and Jackson County, Missouri by the state of Missouri and Christian licensed counselors challenging ordinances passed by those jurisdictions which broadly ban licensed counselors from engaging…
Differential School Bussing for Parochial School Students Does Not Violate Free Exercise or Equal Protection Clauses
In Swiech v. Board of Education for the Sylvania City School District, (OH App., Feb. 7, 2025), an Ohio state appellate court affirmed the dismissal of a suit brought by the mother of elementary school children. Plaintiff claimed that…
Evangelist Can Move Ahead with Free Speech Claim Against Officer Who Arrested Him at Pride Festival
In Cocchini v. City of Franklin, Tennessee, (MD TN, Feb. 6, 2025), a Tennessee federal district court held that plaintiff, a Christian evangelist, had successfully stated a claim for violation of his 1st Amendment free speech rights. Plaintiff was…
Court Rules On Pre-Trial Motions by Defendant Charged with Obstruction by Force of Religious Free Exercise
In United States v. Jiang, (ED VA, Feb. 6, 2025), a Virginia federal district court ruled on several technical and procedural issues raised in pre-trial motions by a defendant indicted, among other charges, for attempted forcible obstruction of free…
Trump Establishes White House Faith Office

Last Friday, President Trump issued an Executive Order (full text) establishing the White House Faith Office. The White House also issued a Fact Sheet summarizing the President’s Executive Order and related initiatives. The Executive Order comes less than…
U.S. Reverses Position in Transgender Case Already Argued Before Supreme Court
Last December, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in United States v. Skrmetti. The case involves a challenge to a Tennessee statute prohibiting chemical, hormonal or surgical treatment of minors for gender dysphoria. The case began as a suit…
President Trump Creates Task Force to Eradicate Anti-Christian Bias
Yesterday, President Trump issued an Executive Order titled Eradicating Anti-Christian Bias (full text). The Order establishes within the Justice Department a temporary Task Force to Eradicate Anti-Chrisian Bias chaired by the Attorney General and made up of 16…
Title VI Does Not Cover Protected Speech, But Antisemitic Actions at Cooper Union Went Beyond Speech
In Gartenberg v. The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, (SD NY, Feb. 5, 2025), a New York federal district court held that Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act must be applied consistent with…
Australia Strengthens Hate Crime Laws In Face of Rising Antisemitism
Yesterday, Australia’s Parliament gave final passage to Amendments to Australia’s Hate Crimes Law. (Full text of law.) (Full text of Explanatory Memorandum.) The law is intended to strengthen Australia’s efforts to combat hate crimes, particularly in…