On Thursday (20 March 2019) I asked via Twitter and LinkedIn for entries for a crowdsourced list of law firm client- or public-facing web or mobile app services to help answer COVID-19 related legal issues or streamlined intake.

I share here what I sourced. I will update this post if you contact me. I reserve the right to make editorial judgments about what to include. For some entries, I also include my own editorial comments.

Interactive Resources

I have long tracked interactive digital advisory systems (list here) so start with this category first. By interactive, I mean a service that either takes users through a Q&A, generates a form, or otherwise relies on user input. (Even if a website is regularly updated, in my definition, that is not interactive.)

The Senate” is an interactive crowdsourcing platform to SenseCheck™ positions of lawyers and risk + compliance professionals. The company has started a COVID-19 Senate. RF Comment: I love this concept. I’ve long been a fan of crowdsourced answer. Now, more than ever, they can have immense value. The challenge here are the limited number of responses; on quick skim, the highest number of responses I see is five. [Hat tip to @reeamos.]

Ballard360 state legislation tracker is “a dashboard on hashtag#PowerBI that enables us all to be informed and discover what actions our states are taking to combat #covid19.” [Hat tip to John Harbison.]


Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLP. website and 24×7 employer hotline. [Hat tip to @susancarnevale]

Morrison Foerster Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center website with webinar recordings, client alerts, blog posts, and more. [Hat tip to Angela Petros.]

Mayer Brown COVID-19 portal with updates and links to global travel navigator and COVID-19 Blog. RF Comment: I especially like the Navigator user interface of a map with optional list view. [Hat tip to @philipbryce.]

PDF Documents

In general, I am not a fan of web PDF documents but in the interests of speed and content management in a crisis, it’s acceptable. It’s much easier for lawyers and staff to manage a PDF document than a microsite.

COVID-19: Eversheds Sutherland US Courts Closure Chart. (63 pages as of 21 Mar 2020 – 04:30PM EDT) [Hat tip to @anusiagillespie.]

Mobile Apps

None identified yet

The post Law Firm COVID-19 Resources appeared first on Prism Legal.