Farhad Monjoo, a leading tech columnist at the the New York Times, writes today that ChatGPT is already changing how he does his job.
And in a bigger sense just how ChatGPT represents a creeping sense of possibility.
Only a
Your AI – whether it be Google’s Bard, Open AI’s ChatGPT, or Microsoft’s Bing – is heavily relying on legal blogs and open law for its legal data.
This, per a piece this morning, from Veteran tech blogger and legal…
Insider’s Global Editor-In-Chief, Nich Carlson, has encouraged reporters, editors, and producers to use generative AI, specifically ChatGPT, to assist them with writing stories and completing packages.
As reported by Axios, Carlson explained in a memo that he had…
Bloomberg media reporter Gerry Smith, reports there is a growing threat to traditional media by virtue of the growing rise of chatbots, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 which will disrupt traditional media by delivering personal news and content to users.…
Bill Gates blogged last week that the “The Age of AI Has Begun.”
Gates highlighted the many ways AI is already being used, from voice assistants to self-driving cars, and emphasized the importance of continued research and development…
Many sites get at least half their traffic from search engines. Fuller results generated by new chatbots could mean far fewer visitors. This from The New York Times’ Katie Robertson this morning.
Why worry, as a publisher of content ala…
Lawyer? Publishing to a blog or other publications? ChatPT will likely know your views and authority asked on ChatGPT.
If not, your authority, influence and authority on niche areas of the law may be absent,
I saw Dave Winer,…
Here’s why 85% of Americans have no access to legal services.
From the ABA Journal, reporting on a LexisNexis survey, released this last week.
Only 10% of lawyers think that generative artificial intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT, will have a…